Source code for cascade_at.inputs.utilities.covariate_weighting

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from typing import Dict

from cascade_at.core.log import get_loggers
from cascade_at.inputs.utilities.gbd_ids import make_age_intervals, make_time_intervals
from cascade_at.inputs import InputsError

LOG = get_loggers(__name__)

class CovariateInterpolationError(InputsError):
    """Raised when there is an issue with covariate interpolation."""

def values(interval):
    return interval.begin, interval.end,

def interval_weighting(intervals, lower, upper):
    Compute a weighting function by finding the proportion
    within the dataframe df's lower and upper bounds.

    Note: intervals is of the form ((lower, upper, id), ...)

    if len(intervals) == 1:
        return np.asarray([1])
    wts = np.ones(len(intervals))
    lower_limit, upper_limit = intervals[0], intervals[-1]
    wts[0] = (lower_limit[1] - lower) / np.diff(lower_limit[:2])
    wts[-1] = (upper - upper_limit[0]) / np.diff(upper_limit[:2])
    return wts

[docs]class CovariateInterpolator: def __init__(self, covariate: pd.DataFrame, population: pd.DataFrame): """ Interpolates a covariate by population weighting. Parameters ---------- covariate Data frame with covariate information population Data frame with population information """ # Covariates must be sorted by both age_group_id and age_lower because age_lower is not unique to age_group_id indices = ['location_id', 'sex_id', 'year_id', 'age_group_id'] sort_order = indices + ['age_lower'] self.covariate = covariate.sort_values(by=sort_order) self.population = population.sort_values(by=sort_order) self.location_ids = self.covariate.location_id.unique() self.year_min = self.covariate.year_id.min() self.year_max = self.covariate.year_id.max() + 1 self.age_intervals = make_age_intervals(df=self.covariate) self.time_intervals = make_time_intervals(df=self.covariate) self.dict_cov = dict(zip( map(tuple, self.covariate[indices].values.tolist()), self.covariate['mean_value'].values )) self.dict_pop = dict(zip( map(tuple, self.population[indices].values.tolist()), self.population['population'].values )) @staticmethod def _restrict_time(time, time_min, time_max): return max(min(time, time_max), time_min) def _weighting(self, age_lower, age_upper, time_lower, time_upper): if age_lower == age_upper: age_groups = sorted(map(values, self.age_intervals[age_lower])) else: age_groups = sorted(map(values, self.age_intervals[age_lower: age_upper])) if not age_groups: raise CovariateInterpolationError( f"There is no covariate age group for age lower {age_lower} and age upper {age_upper}." ) age_group_ids = [a[-1] for a in age_groups] age_wts = interval_weighting(tuple(age_groups), age_lower, age_upper) # We are *not* linearly interpolating past the covariate time # ranges -- instead we carry over the values from the left # or rightmost time point. time_lower = self._restrict_time(time_lower, time_min=self.year_min, time_max=self.year_max) time_upper = self._restrict_time(time_upper, time_min=self.year_min, time_max=self.year_max) # This is to ensure that the time_lower can actually subset # an interval. For example, if time_lower = 2012 and time_upper = 2012, # but the max interval goes from 2011-2012, it will not be able # to select that interval until we decrease time_lower. # We don't have to do this on the leftmost end, however, # because that's already taken care of by _restrict_time, # and the leftmost point of the interval *is* the key for IntervalTrees. if not self.time_intervals.overlaps(time_lower): time_lower -= 1 if time_lower == time_upper: time_groups = sorted(map(values, self.time_intervals[time_lower])) else: time_groups = sorted(map(values, self.time_intervals[time_lower: time_upper])) if not time_groups: raise CovariateInterpolationError( f"There is no covariate time group for time lower {time_lower} and time upper {time_upper}." ) year_ids = [t[-1] for t in time_groups] time_wts = interval_weighting(tuple(time_groups), time_lower, time_upper) # The order of outer must agree with the covariate and population sort order wt = np.outer(time_wts, age_wts) return age_group_ids, year_ids, wt
[docs] def interpolate(self, loc_id, sex_id, age_lower, age_upper, time_lower, time_upper): """ Main interpolation function. """ if loc_id not in self.location_ids: LOG.warning(f"Covariate is missing for location_id {loc_id}," f"sex_id {sex_id} -- setting the value to None.") cov_value = None else: age_group_ids, year_ids, epoch_weights = self._weighting( age_lower=age_lower, age_upper=age_upper, time_lower=time_lower, time_upper=time_upper ) shape = epoch_weights.shape # This loop indexing order matters, and must agree with the covariate and population sort order cov_value = np.asarray([self.dict_cov[(loc_id, sex_id, year_id, age_id)] for year_id in year_ids for age_id in age_group_ids]).reshape(shape) # This loop indexing order matters, and must agree with the covariate and population sort order pop_value = np.asarray([self.dict_pop[(loc_id, sex_id, year_id, age_id)] for year_id in year_ids for age_id in age_group_ids]).reshape(shape) weight = epoch_weights * pop_value cov_value = np.average(cov_value, weights=weight) return cov_value
[docs]def get_interpolated_covariate_values(data_df: pd.DataFrame, covariate_dict: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], population_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Gets the unique age-time combinations from the data_df, and creates interpolated covariate values for each of these combinations by population-weighting the standard GBD age-years that span the non-standard combinations. Parameters ---------- data_df A data frame with data observations in it covariate_dict A dictionary of covariate data frames with covariate names as keys population_df A data frame with population in it """ data = data_df.copy() pop = population_df.copy() data_groups = data.groupby([ 'location_id', 'sex_id', 'age_lower', 'age_upper', 'time_lower', 'time_upper' ], as_index=False) cov_objects = {cov_name: CovariateInterpolator(covariate=raw_cov, population=pop) for cov_name, raw_cov in covariate_dict.items()} num_groups = len(data_groups) for cov_id, cov_obj in cov_objects.items():"Interpolating covariate {cov_id}.") for i, (k, v) in enumerate(data_groups): if i % 1000 == 0:"Processed {i} of {num_groups} data groups.") [loc_id, sex_id, age_lower, age_upper, time_lower, time_upper] = k cov_value = cov_obj.interpolate( loc_id=loc_id, sex_id=sex_id, age_lower=age_lower, age_upper=age_upper, time_lower=time_lower, time_upper=time_upper ) data.loc[v.index, cov_id] = cov_value return data