Covariate Multipliers

See more information about how covariate settings and data are pulled in Covariates.

class cascade_at.model.covariate.Covariate(column_name, reference=None, max_difference=None)[source]

Bases: object

Establishes a reference value for a covariate column on input data and in output data. It is possible to create a covariate column with nothing but a name, but it must have a reference value before it can be used in a model.

  • column_name (str) – Name of the column in the input data.

  • reference (Optional[float]) – Reference where covariate has no effect.

  • max_difference (Optional[float]) – If a data point’s covariate is farther than max_difference from the reference value, then this data point is excluded from the calculation. Must be greater than or equal to zero.

property name
property reference
property max_difference