Source code for cascade_at.model.age_time_grid

from datetime import timedelta
from itertools import product
from math import nan, inf

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from cascade_at.core.log import get_loggers
from cascade_at.dismod.constants import PriorKindEnum

LOG = get_loggers(__name__)

GRID_SNAP_DISTANCE = 1 / timedelta(days=365).total_seconds()
"""Times within one second are considered equal."""

[docs]class AgeTimeGrid: """The AgeTime grid holds rows of a table at each age and time value. At each age and time point is a DataFrame consisting of the columns given in the constructor. So getting an item returns a dataframe with those columns. Setting a DataFrame sets those columns. Each AgeTimeGrid has three possible mulstds, for value, dage, dtime. >>> atg = AgeTimeGrid([0, 10, 20], [1990, 2000, 2010], ["height", "weight"]) >>> atg[:, :] = [6.1, 195] >>> atg[:, :].height = [5.9] >>> atg[10, 2000] = [5.7, 180] >>> atg[5:17, 1980:1990].weight = 125 >>> assert (atg[20, 2000].weight == 195).all() >>> assert isinstance(atg[0, 1990], pd.DataFrame) If the column has the same name as a function (mean), then access it with getitem, >>> atg[:, :]["mean"] = [5.9] Why is this in Pandas, when it's a regular array of data with an index, which makes it better suited to XArray, or even a Numpy array? It needs to interface with a database representation, and Pandas is a better match there. """ def __init__(self, ages, times, columns): try: self.ages = np.sort(np.atleast_1d(ages).astype(float)) self.times = np.sort(np.atleast_1d(times).astype(float)) except TypeError: raise TypeError(f"Ages and times should be arrays of floats {(ages, times)}.") type_constraint = "Columns should be either a string or an iterable of strings." if isinstance(columns, str): columns = [columns] try: self.columns = list(columns) except TypeError: raise TypeError(f"{type_constraint} {columns}") for col_is_str in self.columns: if not isinstance(col_is_str, str): raise TypeError(f"{type_constraint} {col_is_str}") age_time = np.array(list(product(sorted(self.ages), sorted(self.times)))) self.grid = pd.DataFrame(dict( age=age_time[:, 0], time=age_time[:, 1], )) self.grid = self.grid.assign(**{new_col: nan for new_col in columns}) self._mulstd = dict() # Each mulstd is one record. for kind in PriorKindEnum: mulstd_df = pd.DataFrame(dict( age=[nan], time=[nan], )) mulstd_df = mulstd_df.assign(**{new_col: nan for new_col in columns}) self._mulstd[] = mulstd_df @property def mulstd(self): return self._mulstd
[docs] def age_time(self): yield from zip(np.repeat(self.ages, len(self.times)), np.tile(self.times, len(self.ages)))
def __getitem__(self, age_time): """ Args: age_time (float, float): Gets all rows with this (age, time). Returns: pd.DataFrame or pd.Series with columns. """ try: age, time = age_time except TypeError as te: if "not iterable" in str(te): raise TypeError(f"Index should be two floats for getting, not {age_time}.") else: raise if isinstance(age, slice) or isinstance(time, slice): raise TypeError(f"Cannot get a slice from an AgeTimeGrid.") rows = self.grid.query("age == @age and time == @time") if len(rows) > 0: return rows[self.columns] else: raise KeyError(f"Age {age} and time {time} not found.") def __setitem__(self, at_slice, value): """ Args: at_slice (slice, slice): What to change, as integer offset into ages and times. value (priors.Prior): The prior to set, containing dictionary of parameters. """ try: if len(at_slice) != 2: raise ValueError("Set value at an age and time, so two arguments.") except TypeError: raise ValueError("Set value at an age and time, so two arguments") at_range = list() for one_slice in at_slice: if not isinstance(one_slice, slice): one_slice = slice(one_slice, one_slice) if one_slice.step is not None: raise ValueError("Slice in age or time, without a step.") start = one_slice.start if one_slice.start is not None else -inf stop = one_slice.stop if one_slice.stop is not None else inf at_range.append([start - GRID_SNAP_DISTANCE, stop + GRID_SNAP_DISTANCE]) ages = self.ages[(at_range[0][0] <= self.ages) & (self.ages <= at_range[0][1])] times = self.times[(at_range[1][0] <= self.times) & (self.times <= at_range[1][1])] if len(ages) == 0: raise ValueError(f"No ages within range {at_range[0]} " "Are you looking for a point not in the grid?") if len(times) == 0: raise ValueError(f"No times within range {at_range[1]} " "Are you looking for a point not in the grid?") self.grid.loc[np.in1d(self.grid.age, ages) & np.in1d(self.grid.time, times), self.columns] = value def __len__(self): return self.variable_count()
[docs] def variable_count(self): mulstd_cnt = sum(not df[self.columns].dropna(how="all").empty for df in self._mulstd.values()) return self.ages.shape[0] * self.times.shape[0] + mulstd_cnt
def __str__(self): return f"AgeTimeGrid({len(self.ages)}, {len(self.times)}) with {self.variable_count()} model variables." def __repr__(self): return f"AgeTimeGrid({self.ages}, {self.times})" def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, type(self)): LOG.debug(f"SmoothGrid not equal to {other}") return NotImplemented if set(self.mulstd.keys()) != set(other.mulstd.keys()): LOG.debug(f"Different number of mulstd keys") return False for mul_key in self.mulstd.keys(): try: pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(self.mulstd[mul_key], other.mulstd[mul_key]) except AssertionError: LOG.debug("assert frame equal false on mulstd") return False try: pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(self.grid, other.grid, check_like=True, check_exact=False) return True except AssertionError as ae: if "values are different" in str(ae): LOG.debug("assert frame equal false on grid") return False else: raise