Source code for cascade_at.inputs.measurement_inputs

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from copy import copy
from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Union

from cascade_at.core.db import decomp_step as ds

from cascade_at.settings.settings import SettingsConfig
from cascade_at.core.log import get_loggers
from cascade_at.inputs.base_input import BaseInput
from cascade_at.inputs.asdr import ASDR
from cascade_at.inputs.csmr import CSMR
from cascade_at.dismod.constants import IntegrandEnum
from cascade_at.inputs.covariate_data import CovariateData
from cascade_at.inputs.covariate_specs import CovariateSpecs
from import CrosswalkVersion
from cascade_at.inputs.demographics import Demographics
from cascade_at.inputs.locations import LocationDAG, locations_by_drill
from cascade_at.inputs.population import Population
from cascade_at.inputs.utilities.covariate_weighting import (
from cascade_at.inputs.utilities.gbd_ids import get_location_set_version_id
from cascade_at.inputs.utilities.transformations import COVARIATE_TRANSFORMS
from cascade_at.inputs.utilities.gbd_ids import SEX_ID_TO_NAME
from cascade_at.inputs.utilities.reduce_data_volume import decimate_years
from cascade_at.model.utilities.grid_helpers import expand_grid
from import calculate_omega, format_age_time, midpoint_age_time
from cascade_at.inputs.utilities.gbd_ids import (
    CascadeConstants, StudyCovConstants
from cascade_at.settings.convert import (
    measures_to_exclude_from_settings, data_eta_from_settings,
    nu_from_settings, density_from_settings,

LOG = get_loggers(__name__)

[docs]class MeasurementInputs: def __init__(self, model_version_id: int, gbd_round_id: int, decomp_step_id: int, conn_def: str, country_covariate_id: List[int], csmr_cause_id: int, crosswalk_version_id: int, location_set_version_id: Optional[int] = None, drill_location_start: Optional[int] = None, drill_location_end: Optional[List[int]] = None): """ The class that constructs all of the measurement inputs. Pulls ASDR, CSMR, crosswalk versions, and country covariates, and puts them into one data frame that then formats itself for the dismod database. Performs covariate value interpolation if age and year ranges don't match up with GBD age and year ranges. Parameters ---------- model_version_id the model version ID gbd_round_id the GBD round ID decomp_step_id the decomp step ID csmr_cause_id: (int) cause to pull CSMR from crosswalk_version_id crosswalk version to use country_covariate_id list of covariate IDs conn_def connection definition from .odbc file (e.g. 'epi') to connect to the IHME databases location_set_version_id can be None, if it's none, get the best location_set_version_id for estimation hierarchy of this GBD round drill_location_start which location ID to drill from as the parent drill_location_end which immediate children of the drill_location_start parent to include in the drill Attributes ---------- self.decomp_step : str the decomp step in string form self.demographics : cascade_at.inputs.demographics.Demographics a demographics object that specifies the age group, sex, location, and year IDs to grab self.integrand_map : Dict[int, int] dictionary mapping from GBD measure IDs to DisMod IDs self.asdr : cascade_at.inputs.asdr.ASDR all-cause mortality input object self.csmr : cascade_at.inputs.csmr.CSMR cause-specific mortality input object from cause csmr_cause_id : crosswalk version data from IHME database self.covariate_data : List[cascade_at.inputs.covariate_data.CovariateData] list of covariate data objects that contains the raw covariate data mapped to IDs self.location_dag : cascade_at.inputs.locations.LocationDAG DAG of locations to be used self.population: (cascade_at.inputs.population.Population) population object that is used for covariate weighting self.data_eta: (Dict[str, float]): dictionary of eta value to be applied to each measure self.density: (Dict[str, str]): dictionary of density to be applied to each measure (Dict[str, float]): dictionary of nu value to be applied to each measure self.dismod_data: (pd.DataFrame) resulting dismod data formatted to be used in the dismod database Examples -------- >>> from cascade_at.settings.base_case import BASE_CASE >>> from cascade_at.settings.settings import load_settings >>> >>> settings = load_settings(BASE_CASE) >>> covariate_id = [i.country_covariate_id for i in settings.country_covariate] >>> >>> i = MeasurementInputs( >>> model_version_id=settings.model.model_version_id, >>> gbd_round_id=settings.gbd_round_id, >>> decomp_step_id=settings.model.decomp_step_id, >>> csmr_cause_id = settings.model.add_csmr_cause, >>> crosswalk_version_id=settings.model.crosswalk_version_id, >>> country_covariate_id=covariate_id, >>> conn_def='epi', >>> location_set_version_id=settings.location_set_version_id >>> ) >>> i.get_raw_inputs() >>> i.configure_inputs_for_dismod(settings) """"Initializing input object for model version ID {model_version_id}.")"GBD Round ID {gbd_round_id}.")"Pulling from connection {conn_def}.") self.model_version_id = model_version_id self.gbd_round_id = gbd_round_id self.decomp_step_id = decomp_step_id self.csmr_cause_id = csmr_cause_id self.crosswalk_version_id = crosswalk_version_id self.country_covariate_id = country_covariate_id self.conn_def = conn_def self.drill_location_start = drill_location_start self.drill_location_end = drill_location_end self.decomp_step = ds.decomp_step_from_decomp_step_id(self.decomp_step_id) if location_set_version_id is None: self.location_set_version_id = get_location_set_version_id(gbd_round_id=self.gbd_round_id) else: self.location_set_version_id = location_set_version_id self.demographics = Demographics( gbd_round_id=self.gbd_round_id, location_set_version_id=self.location_set_version_id) self.location_dag = LocationDAG( location_set_version_id=self.location_set_version_id, gbd_round_id=self.gbd_round_id ) # Need to subset the locations to only those needed for # the drill. drill_locations_all is the set of locations # to pull data for, including all descendants. drill_locations # is the set of locations just parent-children in the drill. drill_locations_all, drill_locations = locations_by_drill( drill_location_start=self.drill_location_start, drill_location_end=self.drill_location_end, dag=self.location_dag ) if drill_locations_all: self.demographics.location_id = drill_locations_all self.demographics.drill_locations = drill_locations self.exclude_outliers = True self.asdr = None self.csmr = None self.population = None = None self.covariates = None self.age_groups = None self.data_eta = None self.density = None = None self.measures_to_exclude: Optional[List[str]] = None self.measures_midpoint: Optional[List[str]] = None self.dismod_data = None self.covariate_data = None self.country_covariate_data = None self.covariate_specs = None = None
[docs] def get_raw_inputs(self): """ Get the raw inputs that need to be used in the modeling. """"Getting all raw inputs.") LOG.warning("FIXME -- gma -- and were getting different locations -- not sure if they should use location_ids or drill_locations.") LOG.warning("FIXME -- gma -- suspect it should be drill_locations, but it seems Drill leaf node handling is not implemented properly.") self.asdr = ASDR( demographics=self.demographics, decomp_step=self.decomp_step, gbd_round_id=self.gbd_round_id ).get_raw() self.csmr = CSMR( cause_id=self.csmr_cause_id, demographics=self.demographics, decomp_step=self.decomp_step, gbd_round_id=self.gbd_round_id, ).get_raw() = CrosswalkVersion( crosswalk_version_id=self.crosswalk_version_id, exclude_outliers=self.exclude_outliers, demographics=self.demographics, conn_def=self.conn_def, gbd_round_id=self.gbd_round_id ).get_raw() self.covariate_data = [CovariateData( covariate_id=c, demographics=self.demographics, decomp_step=self.decomp_step, gbd_round_id=self.gbd_round_id ).get_raw() for c in self.country_covariate_id] self.population = Population( demographics=self.demographics, decomp_step=self.decomp_step, gbd_round_id=self.gbd_round_id ).get_population()
[docs] def configure_inputs_for_dismod(self, settings: SettingsConfig, mortality_year_reduction: int = 5): """ Modifies the inputs for DisMod based on model-specific settings. Arguments --------- settings Settings for the model mortality_year_reduction number of years to decimate csmr and asdr """ self.data_eta = data_eta_from_settings(settings) self.density = density_from_settings(settings) = nu_from_settings(settings) self.measures_to_exclude = measures_to_exclude_from_settings(settings) self.measures_midpoint = midpoint_list_from_settings(settings) # If we are constraining omega, then we want to hold out the data # from the DisMod fit for ASDR (but never CSMR -- always want to fit # CSMR). data = measures_to_exclude=self.measures_to_exclude, relabel_incidence=settings.model.relabel_incidence ) asdr = self.asdr.configure_for_dismod( hold_out=settings.model.constrain_omega) csmr = self.csmr.configure_for_dismod(hold_out=0) if settings.model.constrain_omega: = calculate_omega(asdr=asdr, csmr=csmr) else: = None if not csmr.empty: csmr = decimate_years( data=csmr, num_years=mortality_year_reduction) if not asdr.empty: asdr = decimate_years( data=asdr, num_years=mortality_year_reduction) self.dismod_data = pd.concat([data, asdr, csmr], axis=0, sort=True) self.dismod_data.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) self.dismod_data["density"] = self.dismod_data.measure.apply( self.density.__getitem__) self.dismod_data["eta"] = self.dismod_data.measure.apply( self.data_eta.__getitem__) self.dismod_data["nu"] = self.dismod_data.measure.apply( for measure in self.dismod_data.measure.unique(): if measure in self.measures_midpoint: midpoint_age_time(df=self.dismod_data, measure=measure) else: format_age_time(df=self.dismod_data, measure=measure) # This makes the specs not just for the country covariate but adds on # the sex and one covariates. self.covariate_specs = CovariateSpecs( country_covariates=settings.country_covariate, study_covariates=settings.study_covariate ) self.country_covariate_data = {c.covariate_id: c.configure_for_dismod( pop_df=self.population.configure_for_dismod(), loc_df=self.location_dag.df ) for c in self.covariate_data} self.dismod_data = self.add_covariates_to_data(df=self.dismod_data) self.dismod_data.loc[ self.dismod_data.hold_out.isnull(), 'hold_out'] = 0. self.dismod_data.drop(['age_group_id'], inplace=True, axis=1) return self
[docs] def prune_mortality_data(self, parent_location_id: int) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Remove mortality data for descendants that are not children of parent_location_id from the configured dismod data before it gets filled into the dismod database. """ df = self.dismod_data.copy() direct_children = self.location_dag.parent_children(parent_location_id) direct_children = df.location_id.isin(direct_children) mortality_measures = df.measure.isin([, ]) remove_rows = ~direct_children & mortality_measures df = df.loc[~remove_rows].copy() return df
[docs] def add_covariates_to_data(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Add on covariates to a data frame that has age_group_id, year_id or time-age upper / lower, and location_id and sex_id. Adds both country-level and study-level covariates. """ cov_dict_for_interpolation = { self.country_covariate_data[c.covariate_id] for c in self.covariate_specs.covariate_specs if c.study_country == 'country' } df = self.interpolate_country_covariate_values( df=df, cov_dict=cov_dict_for_interpolation) df = self.transform_country_covariates(df=df) df['s_sex'] = SEX_ID_TO_NAME).map(StudyCovConstants.SEX_COV_VALUE_MAP) df['s_one'] = StudyCovConstants.ONE_COV_VALUE return df
[docs] def to_gbd_avgint(self, parent_location_id: int, sex_id: int) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Converts the demographics of the model to the avgint table. """"Getting grid for the avgint table " f"for parent location ID {parent_location_id} " f"and sex_id {sex_id}.") if self.drill_location_start is not None: locations = self.demographics.drill_locations else: locations = self.location_dag.parent_children(parent_location_id) grid = expand_grid({ 'sex_id': [sex_id], 'location_id': locations, 'year_id': self.demographics.year_id, 'age_group_id': self.demographics.age_group_id }) grid['time_lower'] = grid['year_id'].astype(int) grid['time_upper'] = grid['year_id'] + 1. grid = BaseInput( gbd_round_id=self.gbd_round_id).convert_to_age_lower_upper(df=grid)"Adding covariates to avgint grid.") grid = self.add_covariates_to_data(df=grid) return grid
[docs] def interpolate_country_covariate_values(self, df: pd.DataFrame, cov_dict: Dict[Union[float, str], pd.DataFrame]): """ Interpolates the covariate values onto the data so that the non-standard ages and years match up to meaningful covariate values. """"Interpolating and merging the country covariates.") interp_df = get_interpolated_covariate_values( data_df=df, covariate_dict=cov_dict, population_df=self.population.configure_for_dismod() ) return interp_df
[docs] def transform_country_covariates(self, df): """ Transforms the covariate data with the transformation ID. :param df: (pd.DataFrame) :return: self """ for c in self.covariate_specs.covariate_specs: if c.study_country == 'country':"Transforming the data for country covariate " f"{c.covariate_id}.") df[] = df[].apply( lambda x: COVARIATE_TRANSFORMS[c.transformation_id](x) ) return df
[docs] def calculate_country_covariate_reference_values( self, parent_location_id: int, sex_id: int) -> CovariateSpecs: """ Gets the country covariate reference value for a covariate ID and a parent location ID. Also gets the maximum difference between the reference value and covariate values observed. Run this when you're going to make a DisMod AT database for a specific parent location and sex ID. :param: (int) :param parent_location_id: (int) :param sex_id: (int) :return: List[CovariateSpec] list of the covariate specs with the correct reference values and max diff. """ covariate_specs = copy(self.covariate_specs) age_min = self.dismod_data.age_lower.min() age_max = self.dismod_data.age_upper.max() time_min = self.dismod_data.time_lower.min() time_max = self.dismod_data.time_upper.max() children = self.location_dag.children(parent_location_id) for c in covariate_specs.covariate_specs: transform = COVARIATE_TRANSFORMS[c.transformation_id] if c.study_country == 'study': if == 's_sex': c.reference = StudyCovConstants.SEX_COV_VALUE_MAP[ SEX_ID_TO_NAME[sex_id]] c.max_difference = StudyCovConstants.MAX_DIFFERENCE_SEX_COV elif == 's_one': c.reference = StudyCovConstants.ONE_COV_REFERENCE c.max_difference = StudyCovConstants.MAX_DIFFERENCE_ONE_COV else: raise ValueError(f"The only two study covariates allowed are sex and one, you tried {}.") elif c.study_country == 'country':"Calculating the {transform.__name__} transformed reference and max difference for country covariate {c.covariate_id}.") cov_df = self.country_covariate_data[c.covariate_id] cov_df.loc[:, 'mean_value'] = transform(cov_df.loc[:, 'mean_value']) parent_df = ( cov_df.loc[cov_df.location_id == parent_location_id].copy() ) child_df = cov_df.loc[cov_df.location_id.isin(children)].copy() all_loc_df = pd.concat([child_df, parent_df], axis=0) # if there is no data for the parent location at all (which # there should be provided by Central Comp) # then we are going to set the reference value to 0. if cov_df.empty: reference_value = 0 max_difference = np.nan else: pop_df = self.population.configure_for_dismod() pop_df = ( pop_df.loc[pop_df.location_id == parent_location_id].copy() ) df_to_interp = pd.DataFrame({ 'location_id': parent_location_id, 'sex_id': [sex_id], 'age_lower': [age_min], 'age_upper': [age_max], 'time_lower': [time_min], 'time_upper': [time_max] }) reference_value = get_interpolated_covariate_values( data_df=df_to_interp, covariate_dict={ parent_df}, population_df=pop_df )[].iloc[0]"Setting covariate {} max_difference = nan to disable data hold_out due to covariate value.") max_difference = np.nan c.reference = reference_value c.max_difference = max_difference covariate_specs.create_covariate_list() return covariate_specs
[docs] def reset_index(self, drop, inplace): pass
[docs]class MeasurementInputsFromSettings(MeasurementInputs): def __init__(self, settings: SettingsConfig): """ Wrapper for MeasurementInputs that takes a settings object rather than the individual arguments. For convenience. Examples -------- >>> from cascade_at.settings.base_case import BASE_CASE >>> from cascade_at.settings.settings import load_settings >>> settings = load_settings(BASE_CASE) >>> i = MeasurementInputs(settings) >>> i.get_raw_inputs() >>> i.configure_inputs_for_dismod() """ covariate_ids = [i.country_covariate_id for i in settings.country_covariate] if settings.model.drill: drill_location_start = settings.model.drill_location_start drill_location_end = settings.model.drill_location_end else: drill_location_start = None drill_location_end = None super().__init__( model_version_id=settings.model.model_version_id, gbd_round_id=settings.gbd_round_id, decomp_step_id=settings.model.decomp_step_id, csmr_cause_id=settings.model.add_csmr_cause, crosswalk_version_id=settings.model.crosswalk_version_id, country_covariate_id=covariate_ids, conn_def='epi', location_set_version_id=settings.location_set_version_id, drill_location_start=drill_location_start, drill_location_end=drill_location_end )