Source code for

import subprocess
import sys
from typing import Optional
import json

import logging

from cascade_at.cascade.cascade_commands import Drill, TraditionalCascade
from cascade_at.context.model_context import Context
from cascade_at.core.log import get_loggers, LEVELS
from cascade_at.executor.args.arg_utils import ArgumentList
from cascade_at.executor.args.args import ModelVersionID, BoolArg, LogLevel, NSim, NPool, StrArg
from cascade_at.inputs.locations import LocationDAG
from cascade_at.jobmon.workflow import jobmon_workflow_from_cascade_command
from cascade_at.settings.settings import settings_from_model_version_id
from cascade_at.settings.settings import load_settings

LOG = get_loggers(__name__)

ARG_LIST = ArgumentList([
    BoolArg('--jobmon', help='whether or not to use jobmon to run the cascade'
                             'or just run as a sequence of command line tasks'),
    BoolArg('--make', help='whether or not to make the file structure for the cascade'),
    StrArg('--addl-workflow-args', help='additional info to append to workflow args, to re-do models',
    BoolArg('--skip-configure', help='Disable building the inputs.p and settings.json files.'),
    StrArg('--json-file', help='for testing, pass a json file directly by filepath',
    StrArg('--test-dir', help='if set, specifies where files directory is.',

[docs]def run(model_version_id: int, jobmon: bool = True, make: bool = True, n_sim: int = 10, n_pool: int=10, addl_workflow_args: Optional[str] = None, skip_configure: bool = False, json_file:Optional[str] = None, test_dir: Optional[str] = None, execute_dag: bool = True) -> None: """ Runs the whole cascade or drill for a model version (whichever one is specified in the model version settings). Creates a cascade command and a bunch of cascade operations based on the model version settings. More information on this structure is in :ref:`executor`. Parameters ---------- model_version_id The model version to run jobmon Whether or not to use Jobmon. If not using Jobmon, executes the commands in sequence in this session. make Whether or not to make the directory structure for the databases, inputs, and outputs. n_sim Number of simulations to do going down the cascade addl_workflow_args Additional workflow args to add to the jobmon workflow name so that it is unique if you're testing skip_configure Skip configuring the inputs because """"Starting model for {model_version_id}.") context = Context( model_version_id=model_version_id, make=make, configure_application=not skip_configure, root_directory=test_dir ) context.update_status(status='Submitted') if json_file: with open(json_file) as fn:"Reading settings from {json_file}") parameter_json = json.loads( settings = load_settings(parameter_json) # Save the json file as it is used throughout the cascade"Replacing {context.settings_file}") context.write_inputs(settings = parameter_json) else: settings = settings_from_model_version_id( model_version_id=model_version_id, conn_def=context.model_connection ) dag = LocationDAG(location_set_version_id=settings.location_set_version_id, gbd_round_id=settings.gbd_round_id) if settings.model.drill == 'drill': cascade_command = Drill( model_version_id=model_version_id, drill_parent_location_id=settings.model.drill_location_start, drill_sex=settings.model.drill_sex, n_sim=n_sim, n_pool=n_pool, skip_configure=skip_configure, ) elif settings.model.drill == 'cascade': location_start = None sex = None if isinstance(settings.model.drill_location_start, int): location_start = settings.model.drill_location_start if isinstance(settings.model.drill_sex, int): sex = settings.model.drill_sex cascade_command = TraditionalCascade( model_version_id=model_version_id, split_sex=settings.model.split_sex == 'most_detailed', dag=dag, n_sim=n_sim, n_pool=n_pool, location_start=settings.model.drill_location_start, sex=sex, skip_configure=skip_configure, ) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"The drill/cascade setting {settings.model.drill} is not implemented.") dag_cmds_path = (context.inputs_dir / 'dag_commands.txt')"Writing cascade dag commands to {dag_cmds_path}.") dag_cmds_path.write_text('\n'.join(cascade_command.get_commands())) if not execute_dag: return if jobmon:"Configuring jobmon.") wf = jobmon_workflow_from_cascade_command(cc=cascade_command, context=context, addl_workflow_args=addl_workflow_args) wf_run = seconds_until_timeout=60*60*24*3, resume=True ) if wf_run.status != 'D': context.update_status(status='Failed') raise RuntimeError("Jobmon workflow failed.") else:"Running without jobmon.") for c in cascade_command.get_commands():"Running {c}") process = c, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) if process.returncode: context.update_status(status='Failed') raise RuntimeError(f"Command {c} failed with error" f"{process.stderr.decode()}") if process.stderr: print(process.stderr.decode()) if process.stdout: print(process.stdout.decode()) context.update_status(status='Complete')
def main(): args = ARG_LIST.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) logging.basicConfig(level=LEVELS[args.log_level]) run( model_version_id=args.model_version_id, jobmon=args.jobmon, make=args.make, n_sim=args.n_sim, n_pool=args.n_pool, addl_workflow_args=args.addl_workflow_args, skip_configure=args.skip_configure, json_file=args.json_file ) if __name__ == '__main__': main()