Source code for cascade_at.dismod.api.run_dismod

import subprocess
import sys
import os
from types import SimpleNamespace
from typing import List
from cascade_at.core.log import get_loggers
from cascade_at.dismod.constants import _dismod_cmd_

LOG = get_loggers(__name__)

[docs]def run_dismod(dm_file: str, command: str): """ Executes a command on a dismod file. Parameters ---------- dm_file the dismod db filepath command a command to run """ def check_last_command(dm_file: str, command: str): LOG.warning("FIXME -- GMA -- Check_last_command needs to wrap the call to dmdismod, not the ODE preprocessor.") from cascade_at.dismod.api.dismod_io import DismodIO db = DismodIO(dm_file) log = db.log last_begin = [l for i,l in log.iterrows() if l.message_type == 'command' and l.message.startswith('begin ')] rtn = True if not last_begin: LOG.error(f"ERROR: Failed to find a 'begin' command.") rtn = False else: last_begin = last_begin[-1] if rtn: start_cmd = [l for i,l in log[last_begin.log_id:].iterrows() if l.message_type == 'command' and l.message.startswith(f'begin {command}')] if not start_cmd: LOG.error(f"ERROR: Expected 'begin {command}' but found '{last_begin.message}'.") rtn = False else: start_cmd = start_cmd[-1] if rtn: end_cmd = [l for i,l in log[start_cmd.log_id:].iterrows() if l.message_type == 'command' and l.message.startswith(f'end {command}')] if not end_cmd: LOG.error(f"ERROR: Did not find end for this '{start_cmd.message}' command") rtn = False for i,l in log[start_cmd.log_id:].iterrows(): if l.message_type in ['error', 'warning']: (f"DISMOD {l.message_type}: {l.message.rstrip()}") rtn = False if rtn: (f"{command} OK") else: LOG.error (f"ERROR: {command} had errors, warnings, or failed to complete.") return rtn command = [_dismod_cmd_, str(dm_file), command] command = ' '.join(command) # Apple Darwin does not forward library_path variables to subprocesses for security reasons # so set it explicitly for the subprocess. lib_path = 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=' + os.getenv('DISMOD_LIBRARY_PATH', '').strip(':')"Running {lib_path} {command}") process ='{lib_path} {command}', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) info = SimpleNamespace() info.exit_status = process.returncode info.stdout = process.stdout.decode() info.stderr = process.stderr.decode() if 0: # Remove the ODE overloading dismod_command = command.replace(' ODE ', ' ').split()[-1] check_dismod = check_last_command(dm_file, dismod_command) else:"FIXME -- need to move check_last_command closer to the call to dmdismod")"Running {lib_path} {command}") dismod_command = 'db2csv' if 'ODE' in command else command return info
[docs]def run_dismod_commands(dm_file: str, commands: List[str], sys_exit=True): """ Runs multiple commands on a dismod file and returns the exit statuses. Will raise an exception if it runs into an error. Parameters ---------- dm_file the dismod db filepath commands a list of strings sys_exit whether to exit the code altogether if there is an error. If False, then it will pass the error string back to the original python process. """ def ipopt_output_logger(msg): # See'Checking Ipopt output for errors') if (('optimal solution found' in msg) or ('solved to acceptable level' in msg)): return if ('maximum number of iterations exceeded') in msg: return LOG.warning # Handle other possible Ipopt console messages? msg = msg.replace('overall nlp error', 'overall nlp ') if msg.count('error') > 0: return LOG.error return def log_stream(stream, exit_status): "Log the dismod return messages appropriately" msg = stream.lower() if exit_status: log = LOG.error else: if 'ipopt' in msg: log = ipopt_output_logger(msg) elif 'error' in msg: log = LOG.error elif 'warn' in msg: log = LOG.warning else: log = for i,line in enumerate(stream.splitlines()): if line: log(line) processes = dict() if isinstance(commands, str): commands = [commands] for c in commands: process = run_dismod(dm_file=dm_file, command=c) processes.update({c: process}) if process.exit_status: LOG.error(f"{c} failed with exit_status {process.exit_status}:") log_stream(process.stderr, process.exit_status) log_stream(process.stdout, process.exit_status) if sys_exit: try: raise RuntimeError( f"Dismod-AT failed with exit status {process.exit_status}." f"Exiting program." ) except RuntimeError: sys.exit(process.exit_status) else: log_stream(process.stderr, process.exit_status) log_stream(process.stdout, process.exit_status) return processes