Source code for cascade_at.dismod.api.multithreading

from typing import Union, List
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import copy2
from multiprocessing import Pool

from cascade_at.dismod.api.run_dismod import run_dismod

[docs]class _DismodThread: """ Splits a dismod database into multiple databases to run parallel processes on the database. The work happens when you call an instantiated _DismodThread. """ def __init__(self, main_db: Union[str, Path], index_file_pattern: str): self.main_db = main_db self.index_file_pattern = index_file_pattern self.index = None def __call__(self, index: int): self.index = index index_db = self.index_file_pattern.format(index=index) copy2(src=str(self.main_db), dst=str(index_db)) # Set the seed to null so each process will have a unique random sequence run_dismod(str(index_db), "set option random_seed ''") return self._process(db=index_db) def _process(self, db: str): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def dmdismod_in_parallel(dm_thread: _DismodThread, sims: List[int], n_pool: int): """ Run a dismod thread in parallel by constructing a multiprocessing pool. A dismod thread is anything that is based off of _DismodThread so it has a __call__ method with an overridden _process method. """ p = Pool(n_pool) processes = list(, sims)) p.close() return processes