Source code for cascade_at.cascade.cascade_operations

Cascade Operations

Pieces of work to be done using one of the executor scripts.
Each cascade operation takes some arguments and then formats them
to be used with the executor script.

The arguments in each of these operations is based on the arguments
that are allowed in each of the executable scripts.

from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Union, Any

from cascade_at.core import CascadeATError
from cascade_at.executor.args.arg_utils import _args_to_command, _arg_to_flag, ArgumentList
from cascade_at.executor.args.arg_utils import _flag_to_arg
from cascade_at.executor.args.arg_utils import encode_commands, encode_options
from cascade_at.executor.args.args import BoolArg
from cascade_at.executor.args.executor_args import ARG_DICT
from cascade_at.jobmon.resources import DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_PARAMETERS

class CascadeOperationValidationError(CascadeATError):

[docs]class _CascadeOperation: def __init__(self, upstream_commands: Optional[List[str]] = None, executor_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None): """ The base class for a cascade operation. Parameters ---------- upstream_commands A list of commands that are upstream to this operation. This means that it will be run before this operation. executor_parameters Optional dictionary of execution parameters that updates the execution parameters :py:class:`~cascade_at.jobmon.resources.DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_PARAMETERS` """ if upstream_commands is None: upstream_commands = list() self.upstream_commands: List[str] = upstream_commands self.executor_parameters = DEFAULT_EXECUTOR_PARAMETERS if executor_parameters is not None: self.executor_parameters.update(executor_parameters) self.j_resource: bool = False Optional[str] = None self.command: Optional[str] = None self.template_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = dict() self.name_components: List = [] self.arg_list: ArgumentList = ARG_DICT[self._script()]
[docs] @staticmethod def _script(): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def _make_template(self): return self._script() + ' ' + self.arg_list.template
[docs] def _make_command(self, **kwargs): return self._script() + ' ' + _args_to_command(**kwargs)
[docs] def _make_name(self): return 'dmat_' + self._script() + '_' + '_'.join([str(x) for x in self.name_components])
[docs] def _validate(self, **kwargs): if self._script() not in ARG_DICT: raise CascadeOperationValidationError(f"Cannot find script args for {self._script()}. " f"Valid scripts are {ARG_DICT.keys()}.") kwargs = { _arg_to_flag(k): v for k, v in kwargs.items() } for k, v in self.arg_list.argument_dict.items(): if v['required']: if k not in kwargs: raise CascadeATError(f"Missing argument {k} for script {self._script()}.") if 'type' in v and 'nargs' not in v: if type(kwargs[k]) != v['type']: raise CascadeATError( f"Expected {k} arg type is {v['type']} but got {type(kwargs[k])}." ) elif 'nargs' in v: if v['nargs'] == '+': if not isinstance(kwargs[k], list): raise CascadeATError(f"{k} should be a list.") if 'type' in v: for i in kwargs[k]: if type(i) != v['type']: raise CascadeATError( f"Expected list arg {k} is {v['type']} but got {type(kwargs[k])}" ) else: pass for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k not in self.arg_list.argument_dict: raise CascadeATError(f"Tried to pass argument {k} but that is not in the allowed list" f"of arguments for {self._script()}: {list(self.arg_list.argument_dict.keys())}.")
[docs] def _make_template_kwargs(self, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Takes kwargs like model_version_id=0 and turns it into kwargs dict that looks like {'model_version_id': --model-version-id 0}. For boolean args, it will look like {'do_this': '--do-this'}. And for arguments from self.arg_list that have defaults, it will fill in the default value if it is not passed in the kwargs (unless it's None). Used for converting things into Jobmon TaskTemplates. Parameters ---------- kwargs Keyword arguments Returns ------- Dictionary of keyword arguments similar to what was passed but with values that have been converted to what the ``TaskTemplate`` in Jobmon expects. Also filling in default arguments that are not passed but are listed in the ArgumentList for self. """ template_kwargs = dict() passed_args = { _arg_to_flag(k): v for k, v in kwargs.items() } for argument in self.arg_list.arg_list: # The default value for each arg # will be an empty string, and is only # overwritten if it has a passed_arg # or a default. value = "" arg = _flag_to_arg(argument._flag) if isinstance(argument, BoolArg): if argument._flag in passed_args: if passed_args[argument._flag]: value = _args_to_command(**{ arg: passed_args[argument._flag] }) else: if argument._flag in passed_args: value = _args_to_command(**{ arg: passed_args[argument._flag] }) else: if argument._parser_kwargs['default'] is not None: value = _args_to_command(**{ arg: argument._parser_kwargs['default'] }) template_kwargs.update({ _flag_to_arg(argument._flag): value }) return template_kwargs
[docs] def _configure(self, **command_args) -> None: """ Validates the keyword arguments passed in and creates the command, job name, and task template kwargs. Parameters ---------- command_args Keyword arguments to be passed to the cascade operation """ self._validate(**command_args) self.command = self._make_command(**command_args) = self._make_name() self.template_kwargs = self._make_template_kwargs(**command_args)
[docs]class ConfigureInputs(_CascadeOperation): def __init__(self, model_version_id: int, **kwargs): """ Configure the inputs for a model version ID. Parameters ---------- model_version_id The model version to configure inputs for """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.name_components = [model_version_id] self.j_resource = True kwds = dict(model_version_id=model_version_id, make=True, configure=True) self._configure(**kwds) @staticmethod def _script(): return 'configure_inputs'
[docs]class _DismodDB(_CascadeOperation): def __init__(self, model_version_id: int, parent_location_id: int, sex_id: int, fill: bool, prior_samples: bool = False, prior_mulcov: bool = False, prior_parent: Optional[int] = None, prior_sex: Optional[int] = None, dm_options: Optional[Dict[str, Union[int, str, float]]] = None, dm_commands: Optional[List[str]] = None, save_prior: bool = False, save_fit: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Base class for creating an operation that interfaces with the dismod database. Parameters ---------- model_version_id The model version to run the model for. parent_location_id The parent location for this dismod database. sex_id The reference sex for this dismod database. fill Whether or not to fill this database with new data base on the cached inputs or this model version. prior_samples Whether or not the prior came from samples or just a mean fit prior_mulcov The model version ID where the covariate multiplier statistics are saved. If this is included, then it will add a prior for the covariate multiplier(s) associated with this model version ID. prior_parent The location ID of the parent database to grab the prior for. prior_sex The sex ID of the parent database to grab the prior for. dm_options Additional options to pass to the dismod database, outside of those that would be passed based on the model settings. dm_commands Commands to run on the dismod database. save_prior Whether or not to save the prior as the prior for this parent location. save_fit Whether or not to save the fit as the fit for this parent location. kwargs """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.name_components = [model_version_id, parent_location_id, sex_id] if dm_options is not None: dm_options = encode_options(dm_options) if dm_commands is not None: dm_commands = encode_commands(dm_commands) self._configure( model_version_id=model_version_id, parent_location_id=parent_location_id, sex_id=sex_id, fill=fill, prior_mulcov=prior_mulcov, prior_samples=prior_samples, prior_parent=prior_parent, prior_sex=prior_sex, dm_options=dm_options, dm_commands=dm_commands, save_prior=save_prior, save_fit=save_fit ) @staticmethod def _script(): return 'dismod_db'
[docs]class Fit(_DismodDB): def __init__(self, model_version_id: int, parent_location_id: int, sex_id: int, predict: bool = True, fill: bool = True, both: bool = False, save_fit: bool = False, save_prior: bool = False, ode_fit_strategy = False, ode_init: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Perform a fit on the dismod database for this model version ID, parent location, and sex ID. (See undocumented arguments in :py:class:`~cascade_at.cascade.cascade_operations._DismodDB`. Parameters ---------- model_version_id parent_location_id sex_id predict Whether or not to run a predict on this database. Will predict for the avgint table that is based on the IHME-GBD demographics grid. fill both Whether or not to run a fit both (True) or a fit fixed only (False) save_fit save_prior kwargs """ if ode_fit_strategy: dm_commands = ['ODE init' if ode_init else 'init', 'ODE fit'] else: # dm_commands = ['init', 'fit fixed'] # if both: # dm_commands += [ # 'set start_var fit_var', 'set scale_var fit_var', 'fit both' # ] if both: dm_commands = ['init', 'fit both'] else: dm_commands = ['init', 'fit fixed'] if predict: dm_commands.append('predict fit_var') if save_fit and not predict: raise CascadeOperationValidationError("Can't save results if you don't predict first.") super().__init__( model_version_id=model_version_id, parent_location_id=parent_location_id, sex_id=sex_id, dm_commands=dm_commands, fill=fill, save_fit=save_fit, save_prior=save_prior, **kwargs )
[docs]class Sample(_CascadeOperation): def __init__(self, model_version_id: int, parent_location_id: int, sex_id: int, n_sim: int, fit_type: str, asymptotic: bool, n_pool: int = 1, **kwargs): """ Create posterior samples from a dismod database that has already had a fit run on it. This may be done in parallel with a multiprocessing pool. The samples can either be asymptotic (sampling from a multivariate normal distribution) or stochastic simulations. If you choose to sample asymptotic, and it fails (it may fail because of issues with the constraints), then it will automatically do a sample simulate. Parameters ---------- model_version_id The model version ID parent_location_id The parent location ID sex_id The reference sex ID for the database n_sim The number of posterior samples to create fit_type The original fit type for this database. Should be either 'fixed' or 'both' (could also be 'random' but we don't use that). asymptotic Whether or not to do asymptotic samples or simulation-based samples. n_pool The number of threads to create in a multiprocessing pool. If this is 1, then it will not do multiprocessing. kwargs """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.name_components = [model_version_id, parent_location_id, sex_id] self._configure( model_version_id=model_version_id, parent_location_id=parent_location_id, sex_id=sex_id, n_sim=n_sim, n_pool=n_pool, fit_type=fit_type, asymptotic=asymptotic ) @staticmethod def _script(): return 'sample'
[docs]class Predict(_CascadeOperation): def __init__(self, model_version_id: int, parent_location_id: int, sex_id: int, child_locations: Optional[List[int]] = None, child_sexes: Optional[List[int]] = None, prior_grid: bool = True, save_fit: bool = False, save_final: bool = False, sample: bool = True, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.name_components = [model_version_id, parent_location_id, sex_id] self._configure( model_version_id=model_version_id, parent_location_id=parent_location_id, sex_id=sex_id, child_locations=child_locations, child_sexes=child_sexes, prior_grid=prior_grid, save_fit=save_fit, save_final=save_final, sample=sample ) @staticmethod def _script(): return 'predict'
[docs]class MulcovStatistics(_CascadeOperation): def __init__(self, model_version_id: int, locations: List[int], sexes: List[int], sample: bool, mean: bool, std: bool, quantile: Optional[List[float]], outfile_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.name_components = [model_version_id] self._configure( model_version_id=model_version_id, locations=locations, sexes=sexes, outfile_name=outfile_name, sample=sample, mean=mean, std=std, quantile=quantile ) @staticmethod def _script(): return 'mulcov_statistics'
[docs]class Upload(_CascadeOperation): def __init__(self, model_version_id: int, final: bool = False, fit: bool = False, prior: bool = False, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.name_components = [model_version_id] self._configure( model_version_id=model_version_id, final=final, fit=fit, prior=prior ) @staticmethod def _script(): return 'upload'
[docs]class CleanUp(_CascadeOperation): def __init__(self, model_version_id: int, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.name_components = [model_version_id] self._configure( model_version_id=model_version_id ) @staticmethod def _script(): return 'cleanup'
CASCADE_OPERATIONS = { cls._script(): cls for cls in [ ConfigureInputs, _DismodDB, Sample, MulcovStatistics, Predict, Upload, CleanUp ] }